2023-24 School Innovation & Improvement Plan

Outcome goals for this academic school year

School Innovation and Improvement Plan At-a-Glance


Fox Mill Elementary School

Region 1

Brian Moose, Principal  


English Language Arts


Ensure students are making continuous achievement growth in Language Arts


 By June 2024, there will be a 7% increase for students in the SWD group will demonstrate "on-grade-level" reading ability as measured by the iReady reading assessment.

Strategy 1

Increase use of data (e.g., iReady, CORE, PASS, PRF, WIDA) to plan instruction and monitor progress for students demonstrating risk. (HLP 2-5)

Strategy 2

Increase intentional use of scaffolds, supports and extensions in whole group settings (word recognition, language comprehension and writing). (HLP 2-4)

Strategy 3

 Improve daily, systematic, explicit instruction in phonological awareness, phonics, and morphology in the core language arts block. (HLP 2)




 Ensure students are making continuous achievement growth in Mathematics.


By June 2024, there will be a 10% increase for students in the SWD group will demonstrate SOL growth in mathematics as measured by the Spring 2024 SOL Mathematics assessment.

Strategy 1

Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.

Strategy 2

Improve teachers’ implementation of Framework for Engaging & Student-Centered Mathematics Instruction.

Strategy 3

 Increase students' self-efficacy around the ability to be successful in mathematics.


Social-Emotional Wellness



Every student will experience an equitable school community where student health and well-being are prioritized, and student voice is centered.


By Spring 2024, there will be a 13% increase in the Belonging (Supports and Environment) domain in the SEL screener, where students feel valued as members of our school community.

Strategy 1

Increase student engagement and voice to improve the school climate.

Strategy 2

Improve implementation fidelity of Tier 1 explicit skills instruction and application opportunities related to SEL.

Strategy 3

Strengthen school climate and culture for adults by ensuring leaders and staff model SEL skills, creating opportunities for staff collaboration.